This issue concerns several related capacity market matters:
Minimum Offer Price Rule (MOPR) – reduce the administrative burden in the exception process.
New Entry Pricing Adjustment (NEPA) – (October 1 compliance filing) business rule modifications to provide greater certainty of payment streams to encourage new investment.
Fixed Resource Requirement (FRR) - identify potential changes that can make the FRR Alternative viable for offering self-supply in RPM auctions.
Self Supply – identify potential changes to allow assured clearing that is not intended to manipulate clearing prices.
Energy and Ancillary Service Offset – identify benefits and costs of changing from real-time to day-ahead LMP. In addition, address tariff requirements that will be included in a Brattle report.
Assess RPM performance within six months of the conclusion of the fourth delivery year – assessment due to FERC by November 30.
Perform triennial review of the 1. Shape of the Variable Resource Requirement curve 2. Cost of New Entry 3. Energy and Ancillary Service revenue offset methodology Triennial review must be shared with stakeholders by September 1 with feedback by October 30 and Board approval for a December 1 filing.