Maintenance Planned

Committees & Groups

Price Formation Education Sessions

Throughout its history, PJM’s wholesale markets have adapted to the changing industry and new needs by evolving market rules. PJM has initiated a stakeholder process to enhance energy price formation, as described in PJM’s paper Proposed Enhancements to Energy Price Formation and the related problem statement PDF and issue charge PDF.  

The problem statement and issue charge were approved at the December 21, 2017 Markets & Reliability Committee meeting. These issues will be discussed at the Energy Price Formation Senior Task Force.

PJM understands this is a complex topic. To help members gain a fuller understanding of price formation, PJM is offering a series of education sessions. PJM recommends attending all sessions as each session builds on information from the last.

During the meeting, if you are experiencing issues with connectivity or teleconference, please contact Meeting Support. For registration issues, contact PJM.


Session 1: Full VersionTraining (no Q&A)
Session 2: Part I: PJM | Part II: Monitoring Analytics
Session 3
Session 4

Contact us with additional questions or comments.

Meeting Materials

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