Maintenance Planned

Committees & Groups

Clean Attribute Procurement Senior Task Force

The procurement of clean resource attributes was discussed in the Resource Adequacy Senior Task Force (RASTF) as part of the RASTF charter. As a result, a separate issue charge was approved by the Markets and Reliability Committee on April 27, 2022, establishing the Clean Attribute Procurement Senior Task Force (CAPSTF). Separately, the Organization of PJM States, Inc. (OPSI) has established the OPSI Competitive Policy Achievement Staff Working Group (CPAWG) to develop and advance reform proposals that enable the procurement of resources in line with states’ policy goals. The CAPSTF will coordinate a comprehensive discussion between the OPSI CPAWG, PJM stakeholders and PJM staff around enhancements to enable states and other willing buyers to procure clean resource attributes, on a voluntary basis, through a regional and centralized procurement or market. The CAPSTF will report to the Markets and Reliability Committee.

Facilitator: Scott Baker
Secretary: Chris Callaghan

During the meeting, if you are experiencing issues with connectivity or teleconference, please contact Meeting Support. For registration issues, contact PJM.

Roster PDF | Updates

Issue Charge PDF  4.18.2023
OPSI - CPAWG Guidance & Request for Input PDF  6.1.2022
CPAWG Analysis Request for CAPSTF PDF  9.19.2022

Meeting Materials

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