The new economic DR market rules that went into effect on April 1 to comply with Order 745 require all economic DR resources to go through a CBL certification process. The CBL certification process uses the Relative Root Mean Square Error (“RRMSE”) calculation based on historic data to ensure the economic DR resource has a reasonably accurate CBL before the economic DR resource participates in the wholesale energy market. If the CBL receives an RRMSE below 20% the CBL is considered reasonably accurate. If the CBL receives an RRMSE above 20% the economic DR resource is considered variable and therefore a different CBL is considered/developed which will more accurately predict load and avoid load reduction estimates that do not reflect the specific load reduction activity done by the location based on participation in the PJM market. Many of the variable load customers are very large (Manufacturing, large university campus, etc) and more sophisticated measurement and verification measure may improve accuracy and foster participation.