Maintenance Planned

Eastern Interconnection Planning Collaborative (EIPC)

The Eastern Interconnection Planning Collaborative (EIPC) was founded to be a broad-based, transparent, interactive planning dialogue with interested industry stakeholders including:

  • State and federal policy makers
  • Consumer and environmental interests
  • Transmission planners
  • Market participants generating, transmitting or consuming electricity within the Eastern Interconnection

As a subset of this effort, and in recognition of the need for technical analysis and guidance, Planning Coordinators of the Eastern Interconnection developed a structure and process to be part of and support the broader collaborative effort. The basis of this technical support function is described in the EIPC Analysis Team Agreement PDF.

The EIPC Analysis Team activities include developing Eastern Interconnection-wide reference case models and assessing and coordinating interregional planning in a more comprehensive manner than was possible prior to this effort.

More information on the wider collaborative EIPC effort that PJM supports can be found on the EIPC website.