Committees & Groups

Issue Details

Demand Response: Economic Load Response Compensation Revisions

This issue concerns the compromise economic load response compensation proposal to compensate economic load response in an amount equal to the LMP minus the generation part of the retail rate, to re-establish the payment of an incentive for Economic Load Response activity during limited hours until the establishment of 1,000 MW of price responsive demand from small customers in the PJM region; and to clarify and rationalize other rules for Economic Load Response participation. FERC Action: PJM filing terminated. FERC NOPR issued on March 18, 2010 seeking comments on demand response compensation in organized markets for day-ahead and real-time markets. FERC terminated the PJM proceeding in Docket No. EL09-68-000. (P23) and has taken administrative notice of the record in that proceeding. FERC has issued a NOPR seeking comment on its proposal to pay economic load reduction the “market price” which is the LMP in PJM, and on the merits of alternative approaches in comparison to the approach proposed. The NOPR focuses on the day-ahead and real-time energy markets and does not apply to ancillary service and capacity markets or to demand response programs administered for reliability and emergency conditions.

Proposed Timeline

Issue initiated: 2.22.2008
Work begins: TBD
Target Completion: TBD
Actual Completion: TBD

Issue Details

Stakeholder Body Market Implementation Committee
Subject Matter Expert Langbein, Peter
Problem Statement/
Issue Charge First Read
Issue Catalyst Request of FERC in order in EL08-12
Issue Status Closed
Manual Changes No
Agreement Changes Open Access Transmission Tariff, Operating Agreement
  • Stakeholder Process Step

  • Completed Approved
  • Completed Education
  • Completed Interest
  • Completed Design
  • Completed Options
  • Completed Packages
  • Completed Consensus
  • Completed Review
  • Completed Completed