This issue concerns several NERC CIP issues pertinent to black start generation owners. Schedule 6A revenue requirements include costs incurred as a result of a NERC compliance standard similar to the CIP standards. A revised BSSWG Charter includes additional scope, to be concluded by June 2010, to explore:
Proposals for unit owners to use the energy capability of units in the Formula rate
Proposals to allow for an annual Automated Formula Rate Adjustments for CONE through PJM settlements (rather than a resubmission)
Proposal to make CIP costs additive to existing rates in a matter which address FERC concerns raised in order
Proposals to review tariff language for 2 year rolling commitments and propose appropriate changes which address FERC concerns presented in order
Proposal to eliminate Accelerated CRF refund for FERC rates (which addresses FERC concerns in order)