Committees & Groups

Issue Details

Black Start Service: NERC CIP Options and Capital Cost Recovery - 2010 Issues

This issue concerns several NERC CIP issues pertinent to black start generation owners. Schedule 6A revenue requirements include costs incurred as a result of a NERC compliance standard similar to the CIP standards. A revised BSSWG Charter includes additional scope, to be concluded by June 2010, to explore:
  • Proposals for unit owners to use the energy capability of units in the Formula rate
  • Proposals to allow for an annual Automated Formula Rate Adjustments for CONE through PJM settlements (rather than a resubmission)
  • Proposal to make CIP costs additive to existing rates in a matter which address FERC concerns raised in order
  • Proposals to review tariff language for 2 year rolling commitments and propose appropriate changes which address FERC concerns presented in order
  • Proposal to eliminate Accelerated CRF refund for FERC rates (which addresses FERC concerns in order)
  • Proposed Timeline

    Issue initiated: 1.12.2010
    Work begins: TBD
    Target Completion: TBD
    Actual Completion: TBD

    Issue Details

    Stakeholder Body Black Start Service Task Force
    Subject Matter Expert Schweizer, David P.
    MC Approval Date 3.31.2011
    Problem Statement/
    Issue Charge First Read
    Issue Catalyst NERC, Stakeholders
    Issue Status Closed
    Manual Changes No
    Agreement Changes Open Access Transmission Tariff, Operating Agreement
    • Stakeholder Process Step

    • Completed Approved
    • Completed Education
    • Completed Interest
    • Completed Design
    • Completed Options
    • Completed Packages
    • Completed Consensus
    • Completed Review
    • Completed Completed