Committees & Groups

Issue Details

Capacity Markets: Additional LDA Creation

This issue concerns FERC's order to PJM to review LDA determination methodology. At the 07/13/09 PC meeting, PJM recommended continued use of the currently defined 23 LDAs for load deliverability testing in RTEP and modeling in RPM; ongoing research will continue into alternative methods for LDA definition. PJM also recommended development of Super-LDAs (may include existing LDA, portions of existing LDA's, and/or portions of other LDA's) to address persistent transmission constraints. PJM would propose creation of a new LDA when annual market efficiency analysis identifies persistent congestion on a 500kV or above facility or interface for multiple years beyond the next BRA. D-fax analysis would be used to determine specific busses included in the proposed LDA. Additional LDAs will be determined through RTEP process flow into RPM via the Reliability Assurance Agreement (RAA). A compliance filing is expected on December 1, 2009.

Proposed Timeline

Issue initiated: 6.9.2009
Work begins: TBD
Target Completion: TBD
Actual Completion: TBD

Issue Details

Stakeholder Body Planning Committee
Subject Matter Expert Horning, Lynn Marie
Problem Statement/
Issue Charge First Read
Issue Catalyst FERC
Issue Status Closed
Manual Changes No
  • Stakeholder Process Step

  • Completed Approved
  • Completed Education
  • Completed Interest
  • Completed Design
  • Completed Options
  • Completed Packages
  • Completed Consensus
  • Completed Review
  • Completed Completed