
Meeting Details

Meeting details and materials are provided below. If registration is open, you can update your attendance preferences below. You will receive notification via email upon registration and when updates are made to the meeting, such as a time or location change.

Operating Committee

June 08, 2023
Operating Committee

Meeting Materials

06.02.2023 Agenda PDF
06.02.2023 Agenda-doc DOC
05.15.2023 Item 01A - Draft Minutes - 5.11.2023 PDF
07.13.2023 Item 01A - Minutes PDF
06.01.2023 Item 01B - OC Work Plan PDF
06.07.2023 Item 02 - Operating Metrics Report PDF
06.01.2023 Item 03 - Security Update PDF
06.01.2023 Item 04A - Outage Coordination - Joint Solution Package PDF
06.08.2023 Item 04 - Outage Coordination - IMM Package Summary PDF
06.08.2023 Item 04 - Outage Coordination - Matrix XLS
06.08.2023 Item 04 - Outage Coordination - Matrix - Post Meeting XLS
06.08.2023 Item 06 - Manual 13 - Revision 89 - Clean PDF
06.01.2023 Item 06 - Manual 13 - Revision 89 - Executive Summary PDF
06.01.2023 Item 06 - Manual 13 - Revision 89 - Presentation PDF
06.08.2023 Item 06 - Manual 13 - Revision 89 - Redline PDF
06.01.2023 Item 07 - IPRTF Manuals Update - Executive Summary PDF
06.01.2023 Item 07 - IPRTF Manuals Update - Presentation PDF
06.05.2023 Item 07 - Manual 02 - Revision 17 - Clean PDF
06.05.2023 Item 07 - Manual 02 - Revision 17 - Redline PDF
06.01.2023 Item 07 - PJM Regional Transmission and Energy Scheduling Practices - Revision 12 - Clean PDF
06.06.2023 Item 07 - PJM Regional Transmission and Energy Scheduling Practices - Revision 12 - Redline PDF
06.01.2023 Item 08 - Regulation Performance Update PDF
06.08.2023 Item 09 - Primary Frequency Response Update PDF
06.01.2023 Item 10 - Synchronized Reserve Performance Update PDF
06.06.2023 Item 11 - EPA Proposals Update PDF
06.01.2023 Item 12 - Review of Transmission Outages PDF
06.05.2023 Item 13 - Order. 881 Update and Next Steps PDF
06.05.2023 Item 14 - Reliability Compliance Update PDF
06.07.2023 Item 15 - 2023 RTO Wide Black Start RFP Process PDF
06.05.2023 Item 16 - Systems Operating Committee Update PDF