DER & Inverter-Based Resources Subcommittee The DER & Inverter-Based Resources Subcommittee (DIRS) is an ongoing subcommittee established by the Market Implementation Committee (MIC) at its July 8, 2020 meeting. The purpose of the DIRS is to provide a stakeholder forum to investigate and resolve specific issues and procedures in accordance with PJM stakeholder process protocols related to Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and inverter-based resources. For the purposes of this subcommittee, DER is defined as any generation or electric energy storage resource connected to the distribution system and/or behind a load meter. Inverter-based resources are any resource type using powered electronic equipment to convert direct current to alternating current (DC-to-AC) in order to synchronize to the electric system. View issues the DIRS is currently tracking. Chair: Ilyana Dropkin Secretary: Luke Zinszer During the meeting, if you are experiencing issues with connectivity or teleconference, please contact Meeting Support. For registration issues, contact PJM. Roster PDF Date DER Participating as Demand Response - 2021 Report PDF 2.14.2022 Charter PDF 7.14.2020 Hybrid Resources Issue Charge PDF 7.14.2020 Hybrid Resources Problem Statement PDF 7.14.2020 FERC Order No. 2222 Date FERC Order 2222 - DER Aggregation PDF 9.23.2020 FERC Order No. 2222-A PDF 3.19.2020 FERC Order No. 2222-B PDF 2.2.2022 PJM Compliance Filing - ER22-962-000 PDF 2.2.2022