Grid Optimization Solutions
Taking on many terms and definitions, Grid Optimization Solutions include any novel technology including Grid Enhancing Technologies (GETs) or Alternative Transmission Technologies (ATTs), as well as transmission innovations that can optimally direct flows to enhance grid operations. This includes the utilization of existing infrastructure and rights-of-way, or heightened transparency on real-time grid conditions.
Focus Technologies (GETs & ATTs)
PJM supports the transparent, cost-effective, efficient and reliable deployment of GETs and ATTs on the PJM system consistent with requirements of PJM’s governing documents and manuals.
PJM has highlighted the following GETs and ATTs on this page:
- Dynamic line ratings (DLRs)
- Advanced power flow controllers (APFCs)
- Advanced conductors
- Topology control & optimization
This list does not encompass all existing or future grid optimization solutions, but highlights a few technologies where additional context may be valuable to stakeholders.
PJM seeks to raise awareness of GETs applications and benefits without overstating their ability to supplant necessary transmission investment. To aid in the understanding and consideration of GETs on the PJM system, PJM has developed technical reference guides to highlight a subset of technical and model considerations, background information on the technology, proposed benefits, identified barriers and related FERC Orders.
While PJM cannot require the use of GETs, the Transmission Owners in PJM evaluate GETs as part of their transmission solution development process. For example, there are installations of DLR and advanced conductors by Transmission Owners in the PJM footprint. PJM also employs the production use of topology optimization software. Additionally, projects including the use of APFC have been studied across PJM systems.
Dynamic Line Ratings
DLR technology uses advanced sensors and/or software to monitor real-time environmental conditions (e.g., wind speed, solar radiance) along a transmission line to calculate real-time capabilities/ratings.
Technical Reference Guide: Dynamic Line Ratings PDF
Advanced Power Flow Controllers
APFCs utilize in-line voltage injection to manipulate line conductance in order to “push” or “pull” flow across existing systems of lines.
Technical Reference Guide: Advanced Power Flow Controllers PDF
Topology Control & Optimization
Topology control and optimization leverage manual or software based identification of topology reconfigurations based on system conditions to minimize off-cost operations.
Technical Reference Guide: Topology Control & Optimization PDF
Advanced Conductors
Advanced conductors employ present and future transmission line technologies whose power flow capacities exceed the power flow capacities of conventional aluminum conductor steel reinfoced conductors to reconductor existing lines or construct new lines.
Technical Reference Guide: Advanced Conductors PDF
Existing and Additional Optimization Technologies
Beyond the technologies discussed above, PJM and Transmission Owners employ additional solutions to increase grid flexibility without investment in new transmission lines. These solutions can leverage other Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) devices, additional conductor materials that increase power flow capacity, and technologies used to increase grid visibility. Additionally, there may be existing technologies that have historically been utilized in PJM that accomplish similar goals, such as phase angle regulators, but are not highlighted.
PJM is committed to the continuous evaluation of technologies and proposed solutions that would aid in the optimization of grid operations and transmission system needs, while taking into accountthe application considerations for the PJM system.