Reserves & Regulation
The course provides an explanation of the reserve requirements and the associated markets for each reserve type, the methods used to calculate the reserve offer amounts for resources, and provides an explanation of the process PJM uses to verify resource performance for a synchronized reserve event.
The course provides a basic look at the processes and procedures for resources participating in the PJM Regulation Market and describes the resource offers and parameters needed to provide regulation during real-time operations to maintain reliability. This session also touches on Regulation Market Timeline, Bilateral Regulation Transactions and Performance Scores.
Course Details
Market Operators
- Types of Reserves
- Day-Ahead and Real-Time Reserve Alignment
- Must Offer Requirement
- Reserve Offers and Parameters
- Reserve Market Timeline
- Reserve Market Posting
- Reserve Subzone
- Synchronized Reserve Event Actions
- Response Calculation/Varification
- Reserve Shortage
- Regulation in PJM
- Reg A and Reg D
- Regulation Band
- Regulation Requirement
- Regulation Bilateral Transactions
- Regulation Offers and Parameters
- Regulation Market and Clearing Process
- Regulation Market Timeline
- Regulation Market Posting
- Regulation Performance Scores
CEH/CEU Eligibility:
CEH/CEU eligible on completion of all course sessions.
There is no charge to PJM Members or Governmental Entities. Non-Members are charged a nominal fee. Please contact
Training Support for more details.