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AF2-173 Transition Sort Retool Results -- Reprioritized to Transition Cycle #1

v1.00 released 2023-12-14 11:07

Desoto 345 kV

84.0 MW Capacity / 200.0 MW Energy


In accordance with Tariff Part VII, Subpart B, section 304, PJM performed load flow analysis (Transition Sort Retool) on all AE1 through AG1 projects that have met eligibility requirements according to Tariff, Part VII, Subpart B, section 303. The purpose of this study is to determine whether a project would be classified as eligible for the Expedited Process (Fast Lane) or if it would be reprioritized to be studied as part of Transition Cycle #1 (TC1) using the criteria from the Expedited Process Eligibility section of Tariff Part VII, section 304. This is not a System Impact Study report.

Below are the results of the study, details of how the study was performed, criterion used in the evaluation of the Expedited Process vs. TC1 determination, and next steps in the interconnection process for your project.

Transition Cycle #1:

The AF2-173 project has not met the Expedited Process Eligibility requirements in Tariff Part VII, Subpart B, section 304 and will therefore be reprioritized to Transition Cycle #1. Please see "Transition Cycle #1 Rules" below.

Transition Sort Retool Study Process and Criteria:

In order to determine Expedited Process vs. Transition Cycle #1 classification, projects which met the Transition Eligibility requirements from Tariff Part VII, Subpart B, section 303 were studied on the base case model that was used for the original System Impact Study analysis. Both a summer peak and light load load flow analysis were performed. Projects that have cost allocation eligibility or are identified as the first to cause a system violation which requires the need for a Network Upgrade with a total estimated cost greater than $5 million will be reprioritized to Transition Cycle #1. All other projects will be eligible for the expedited procedures set forth in Tariff Part VII, Subpart B, section 304 (B).

Expedited Process Eligibility: OATT Tariff Part VII, section 304:

A project is not eligible for the expedited process if it has cost allocation eligibility or is identified as the first to cause, as determined according to Tariff, Part VI, section 217.3, for a Network Upgrade which has a total estimated cost of greater than $5,000,000. Such cost estimate will be based on Transmission Provider's most recently available data.

Not considered in the Transition Sorting: The cost of the Interconnection Facilities is not considered when determining a project's eligibility for the expedited process. Affected Systems upgrade costs are also not considered in the evaluation.

Transition Sort Retool Results Provided:

This report includes a list of:

  1. the overloaded flowgates (overloaded facilities + contingency pair) that the project contributes towards
  2. other interconnection projects that may also contribute to the overloaded facility, and
  3. the total estimated cost for any required Network Upgrades.

Important Notes:

Note for Uprate Projects: Per Tariff Part VII, Subpart B, section 304 (B), if a project is an uprate (project relies on the Interconnection Facilities of a prior project) whose base project does not qualify for the expedited process, the uprate also will not qualify for the expedited process, regardless of analysis results.

Notes regarding Results displayed:

  1. Some flowgate overloads that a New Service Request contributes to, but does not contribute enough to meet cost allocation eligibility (per Manual 14A, Attachment B.3), may be reported in this Transition Sort report. These types of flowgates do not affect the classification of the New Service Request as either Expedited Process or Transition Cycle #1 because cost allocation eligibility has not been met.
  2. For projects that were determined to not meet Expedited Process eligibility and are being reprioritized to Transition Cycle #1, not all reinforcements in excess of $5,000,000 may be shown in this report. This report may only display a subset of those reinforcements determined to be in excess of $5,000,000 which would classify the project as not meeting Expedited Process Eligibility. This is not a formal System Impact Study.

Next Steps for your project:

Transition Cycle #1 Rules:

Refer to Tariff Part VII, Subpart B, section 304 (C) for the Transition Cycle #1 Project Rules.

Transition Cycle #1 will start no later than one year from the Transition Start Date (July 10, 2023). Transition Cycle #1 will run simultaneously with the expedited process, however Transition Cycle #1, Phase III will not begin until all expedited process projects have been completed.

Projects that are reprioritized to Transition Cycle #1 will not need to re-apply to the Interconnection Cycle Process. Therefore, there is no Application Review Phase for Transition Cycle #1. The cycle process for Transition Cycle #1 includes three Study Phases and three Decision Points:

  1. Phase I System Impact Study and Decision Point I; and
  2. Phase II System Impact Study and Decision Point II; and
  3. Phase III System Impact Study and Decision Point III

Refer to Tariff Part VII, Subpart D, section 307 for the Transition Cycle #1 study process.


The Interconnection Customer (IC), has proposed a Solar generating facility located in the AEP zone — Delaware County, Indiana. The installed facilities will have a total capability of 200.0 MW with 84.0 MW of this output being recognized by PJM as Capacity.

Project Information
Queue Number AF2-173
Project Name Desoto 345 kV
Developer Name Esker Solar Park LLC
State Indiana
County Delaware
Transmission Owner AEP
MFO 200.0 MW
MWE 200.0 MW
MWC 84.0 MW
Fuel Type Solar
Basecase Study Year 2023

Point of Interconnection

AF2-173 will interconnect on the AEP transmission system at the Desoto 345 kV substation.

Summer Peak Analysis

The Queue Project was evaluated as a 200.0 MW (Capacity 84.0 MW) injection in the AEP area. Project was evaluated for compliance with applicable reliability planning criteria (PJM, NERC, NERC Regional Reliability Councils, and Transmission Owners). Potential Summer peak period network impacts are listed below:

Important to Note:

Note for Uprate Projects: Per Tariff Part VII, Subpart B, section 304 (B), if a project is an uprate (project relies on the Interconnection Facilities of a prior project) whose base project does not qualify for the expedited process, the uprate also will not qualify for the expedited process, regardless of analysis results.

Notes regarding Results displayed:

  1. Some flowgate overloads that a New Service Request contributes to, but does not contribute enough to meet cost allocation eligibility (per Manual 14A, Attachment B.3), may be reported in this Transition Sort report. These types of flowgates do not affect the classification of the New Service Request as either Expedited Process or Transition Cycle #1 because cost allocation eligibility has not been met.
  2. For projects that were determined to not meet Expedited Process eligibility and are being reprioritized to Transition Cycle #1, not all reinforcements in excess of $5,000,000 may be shown in this report. This report may only display a subset of those reinforcements determined to be in excess of $5,000,000 which would classify the project as not meeting Expedited Process Eligibility. This is not a formal System Impact Study.
Summer Peak Analysis
Area Facility Description Contingency Name Contingency Type DC|AC Initial Loading Final Loading Rating (MVA) Rating Type MVA to Mitigate MW Contribution Details
OVEC 06DEARB1-06PIERCE 345.0 kV Ckt 1 line
248001 to 248013 ckt 1
 OPEN BRANCH FROM BUS 243233 TO BUS 249565 CKT 1   /*05TANNER     345.0 - 08EBEND      345.0
 OPEN BRANCH FROM BUS 243233 TO BUS 249567 CKT 1   /*05TANNER     345.0 - 08M.FORT     345.0
Tower AC 120.55 % 123.18 % 972.0 B 1197.31 24.74
AEP AF1-268 TAP-05JAY 138.0 kV Ckt 1 line
946030 to 243319 ckt 1
 OPEN BRANCH FROM BUS 243225 TO BUS 243232 CKT 1   /*05KEYSTN     345.0 - 05SORENS     345.0
 OPEN BRANCH FROM BUS 944530 TO BUS 243232 CKT 2   /*AF1-118 TAP  345.0 - 05SORENS     345.0
Tower AC 111.12 % 114.34 % 409.0 B 467.67 15.51
AEP AF1-268 TAP-05JAY 138.0 kV Ckt 1 line
946030 to 243319 ckt 1
 OPEN BRANCH FROM BUS 944530 TO BUS 243232 CKT 2   /*AF1-118 TAP  345.0 - 05SORENS     345.0
 OPEN BRANCH FROM BUS 960970 TO BUS 243225 CKT 1   /*AF2-388 TAP  345.0 - 05KEYSTN     345.0
Tower AC 106.85 % 110.08 % 409.0 B 450.22 15.54
AEP AF1-268 TAP-05JAY 138.0 kV Ckt 1 line
946030 to 243319 ckt 1
 OPEN BRANCH FROM BUS 944830 TO BUS 944530 CKT 2   /*AF1-148 TAP  345.0 - AF1-118 TAP  345.0
 OPEN BRANCH FROM BUS 945370 TO BUS 960970 CKT 1   /*AF1-202 TAP  345.0 - AF2-388 TAP  345.0
Tower AC 97.24 % 100.47 % 409.0 B 410.92 15.54
AEP 05DESOTO-AF1-268 TAP 138.0 kV Ckt 1 line
243278 to 946030 ckt 1
 OPEN BRANCH FROM BUS 243225 TO BUS 243232 CKT 1   /*05KEYSTN     345.0 - 05SORENS     345.0
 OPEN BRANCH FROM BUS 944530 TO BUS 243232 CKT 2   /*AF1-118 TAP  345.0 - 05SORENS     345.0
Tower AC 102.68 % 105.9 % 409.0 B 433.13 15.51
AEP 05DESOTO-AF1-268 TAP 138.0 kV Ckt 1 line
243278 to 946030 ckt 1
 OPEN BRANCH FROM BUS 944530 TO BUS 243232 CKT 2   /*AF1-118 TAP  345.0 - 05SORENS     345.0
 OPEN BRANCH FROM BUS 960970 TO BUS 243225 CKT 1   /*AF2-388 TAP  345.0 - 05KEYSTN     345.0
Tower AC 98.42 % 101.65 % 409.0 B 415.75 15.54

Light Load Analysis

At this time light load analysis not required for this project.

System Reinforcements

The table below lists all network upgrades which resolve the identified overloaded facilities in this report.

Important to Note:

Note for Uprate Projects: Per Tariff Part VII, Subpart B, section 304 (B), if a project is an uprate (project relies on the Interconnection Facilities of a prior project) whose base project does not qualify for the expedited process, the uprate also will not qualify for the expedited process, regardless of analysis results.

Notes regarding Results displayed:

  1. Some flowgate overloads that a New Service Request contributes to, but does not contribute enough to meet cost allocation eligibility (per Manual 14A, Attachment B.3), may be reported in this Transition Sort report. These types of flowgates do not affect the classification of the New Service Request as either Expedited Process or Transition Cycle #1 because cost allocation eligibility has not been met.
  2. For projects that were determined to not meet Expedited Process eligibility and are being reprioritized to Transition Cycle #1, not all reinforcements in excess of $5,000,000 may be shown in this report. This report may only display a subset of those reinforcements determined to be in excess of $5,000,000 which would classify the project as not meeting Expedited Process Eligibility. This is not a formal System Impact Study.
  3. Reinforcements previously identified by Transmission Owners for violations on lower voltage facilities are included in this report. Transmission Owner analysis will be updated as part of the Expedited Process and Transition Cycle 1 retools.
System Reinforcements
RTEP ID Title Total Cost
n6279.2 A Sag Study will be required on the 4.3 mile section of ACSR ~ 556.5 26/7 ~ [...] n time would be 24 to 36 months after signing an interconnection agreement. $20,000
b3103.5 Current AEP End Ratings are S/N :335MVA S/E: 392 MVA 1) Replace 2 risers( Sub cond 1590 AAC 61 Str) at Jay Station $70,000
n6279.2 A Sag Study will be required on the 8.3 mile section of ACSR ~ 556.5 26/7 ~ [...] n time would be 24 to 36 months after signing an interconnection agreement. $33,200
(TBD) Replace 4 Sub Cond 2000 AAC 91 Str at Jay $400,000
n7881 Replace 16 tangent structures, 3 dead end structures, and conductor over one Ohio river crossing $11,383,000
n6759.2 Replace 2 1600 A switches at Dearborn 345 kV and 4 1600 A switches at Pierce 345kV $9,000,000



The Transition Sort load flow retool results indicate that AF2-173 is not eligible for the Expedited Process per PJM Tariff Part VII, Subpart B, section 304 (A) will be reprioritized to Transition Cycle #1. See next steps for your project in the "Introduction" section above.